Customer Testimonials

Paul - 2006 Suzuki GSXR600 - Petrolia, Canada

I originally thought I needed to get this bike on a dyno to get the maximum power out of it. I wasn't planning on going on the track to race, so I thought I would give Jeffomaps a try. Well I'll say I would be satisfied going on the track with this map Jeffo made. It runs like a beast ! I feel like I'm riding a new bike. I noticed a big difference, especially with bottom end & mid range power. I knew nothing about Power Commanders & his thorough instructions for installing the map are excelent. I even called him a few times for minor help & he explained things & made it so easy. All I will say is if you're considering dyno tuning your bike, give Jeffomaps a try 1st. You won't be disappointed & you'll save yourself some bucks too. Thanks Jeffo.

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charles Mingus