Customer Testimonials

Matt - 2002 Busa - United Kingdom

Jeffo, I don't know how you did it but WOW! I've finally managed to get out on my Busa, the temp today is a balmy 4 deg C! The bike ran like never before, smooth power delivery from zero to 11000, fantastic, no glitches low down, no surging high up, even tick over in fact PERFECT, the bike has been transformed. I am still amazed how you can produce a map via email and a few details, I had spent 3 days on the Dyno trying to get it right and approx. $300 and a shagged rear tyre but you have produced a perfect map in a few hours and $50, way too cheap mate for the results. Thank you so much, truly brilliant!

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charles Mingus