Customer Testimonials

Darcey - 2013 Victory Judge - Yatala, Australia

Hi Jeffo I wanted to say thanks I installed your map today. It's easily the best $110 I've spent so far (exchange rate is not good at the moment) my bike is running heaps better a lot smoother better acceleration it'll be interesting seeing the difference next time I'm out with the boys on their Harley's. Give me a week or so for me to see how the fuel economy is and get a better feel of her I'll definitely be writing a testimony for your web page. Over in Australia well my neck of the woods I'd be looking at $600 for a good dyno tune. Once again thanks for your hard work. After installing Jeffo's map on the PC5 Well I have a completely different bike the power commander maps are useable but I was just wasting fuel with not much of a performance gain. Now there's a great gain in performance my fuel economy has dropped slightly however I'm sure I'm twisting the throttle more enjoying the increase in acceleration smoother running bike revs that much quicker through the gears. Jeffo's claims on his website are right on the money can't wait to follow his tips (get a map you'll see what I mean) to get that bit more out of the beast.Well worth the money thanks again Jeffo

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charles Mingus