Customer Testimonials

Monty - 2007 Kawasaki ZX-14 - Big Sky

Hello Jeffo! Okay-my zx14 "was" running good. I installed your map. I'm not sure now if someone switched bikes on me or not? This baby is everything I REALLY wanted in a Big, Fast, Powerful sportbike. No lie-she's running much cooler. Throttle response is NOW immediate. Cruising at slower speeds, smooth as silk. Cruising in lower gears at slower speeds-25-55, she just runs so much smoother. Downshifting with or without clutch is way smoother. Throttle transitions in ALL gears and ALL shifting engagements are WAY smoother. I would cruise before at say 35 mph in 4th or 5th-the temp bar would climb to at least two above center. Doing that now-well, I NO LONGER need to shift up a gear to keep the engine cooler. She stays at or below the center bar. Just amazing! I don't have secondary plates(flys), and I've got the TiForce high mount slip-ons. This map has completely energized my desire to get out and roll! Honestly-you said I would be pleased with the new map. Believe me-I'm MORE than pleased !!! Great job on the map and your Customer follow-up and service are above reproach. Excellent professional guidance and support. My bike is HAPPY-and I am elated with the results. Thanks Again Jeffo! A++++++++++ Take care,sincerely, Monty

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charles Mingus