Customer Testimonials

David - 2006 Kawasaki ZX-14 - Boone, North Carolina

I've gotta admit power commander generic maps are complete crap but there is Jeffomaps that is by far the best bang for buck at a quality service. I thought that I was getting a small improvement but I got a huge improvement the throttle is more defined alot smoother not touchy like it was before, pulls harder, cleaner exhaust, doesn't buck at lower speeds in high gear like it use too. I'm very surprised what Jeffomaps did for my older bike.. I know that my ZX-14 isn't new but it feels new with a Jeffo Map its hard to describe how it feels besides just amazing. Awesome customer service and very knowledgeable with maps. I know who I'll use for hopefully my future ZX-14 and no questions asked.. whats the point of paying outrageous prices for a Dyno tune? just to get a halfway decent tune that may be altered so much that your bike is unsafely tuned for those HP numbers to brag about. I don't know about u but I could use my $400 to $500 for something else. Thanks Jeffomaps for your quality service.

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charles Mingus