Customer Testimonials

Channing - 2022 Honda CRF450X - Las Vegas, Nevada

Recently bought my new Honda CRF450X and put a Yoshimura RS4 pipe on it. Once I did while the bike sounded good, it began acting sluggish and backfiring constantly, no matter what gear, speed or RPM the engine was at it would backfire like microwave popcorn nonstop. Was advised to get a DynoJet Power Commander and I downloaded the free map that comes with it and NOTHING changed, at all. Did more homework and I found Jeffomaps and purchased cold weather & warm weather maps from him to accommodate the Nevada altitude, and extreme heat of summer and cold winter. The Jeffomaps, plus precisely following the other tuning and modification instructions I was given exactly to the tee has my bike running PHENOMENALLY!!! I’m super satisfied with how aggressively smooth and responsive my bike operates now, and not a single backfire has occurred thanks to Jeffomaps, not even ONE, not even faint crackle of one. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Jeffomaps to uncork the true beast in your bike 1000%. Thanks Jeffo!!!!

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charles Mingus