Customer Testimonials

Randy - 2008 Kawasaki ZX-14SE - Northern Michigan

Just wanted to share my experience I had doing business with Jeffo . I placed my order for a map for my 08 zx14se within 12 hrs I was talking to him on my cell talking about the mods and any other issues I was having with the DJ map I had. Within an hr of our conversation I had a map waiting for me in my inbox. Took me probably 20 to get it installed and TP and accelerator pump dialed in instructions Jeffo sent were easy to read and understand and spot on only had to do it once. I noticed a difference as soon as I got it out on the road throttle response was improved 100% the decel pop I was having was all but gone now time for the real test found me a nice back road and balls to the wall in the past in 4th and 5th gear there was a slight hesitation when going to WOT with the new map no hesitation whatsoever there is added power from the low end all the way through the power range and oh so smooth. Even got a follow up call to make sure the map worked out ok now t hats customer service. Only got 2 words for those of you that purchase a map from Jeffo…Hang On - lol

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charles Mingus