Customer Testimonials

TJ Brownlee - 2011 Suzuki GSXR 600 - St Augustine , Florida

I was searching for someone to make a custom map for my bike and what I got from Jeffo was more than just that. I submitted a request for a map and within the hour Jeffo called me to go over some of the details and explain everything in great detail. His professionalism and customer service is by far the best I’ve ever received. I had my custom map within 2 hours of submitting payment. I followed his detailed instructions on how to upload the map and everything else he sent me. I had a few questions when I was doing the whole process. Called him he answered immediately and answered all my questions and helped me over the phone. Couldn’t be happier how the bike runs. I definitely will be calling him if I ever need a new map. Highly recommend. Thanks again Jeffo!

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charles Mingus