Customer Testimonials

Brent - 2021 Husqvarna 701SM - Tampa, FL

Jeffo provided an incredible product, backed by incredible service. Less than 24 hour turn around time, direct follow-up via phone, and stands by his product by providing feedback based alterations if necessary (though I don't think you will find them necessary). I was running a custom map made by Rottweiler, who is supposedly the be all end all of Husqvarna modifications. Their map left me with a cold start stall and numerous dead spots (for more money than Jeffo's too mind you). Jeffo's map instantly corrected everything and it feels like an entirely new bike. It increased my power curve to the point that I had to drop back down to my stock rear sprocket size as I was bouncing the rev limiter way more frequently. Fantastic work across the board, and he will be my go to stop for maps on my race bike and any other machine I get.

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charles Mingus