Customer Testimonials

David - 2007 Kawasaki ZX-14 - Carrollton, Georgia

I ordered a map from Jeffo. Recieved a phone call from and we spoke at length about needs. I received the map that afternoon with all the directions. I installed the new map, set up the fuel pump utility and reset the TPS. Long story short I have a new bike. The map was spot on the first go round, she had a smoother crisper throttle response, pulled strong in the low and mid range, ran cooler, better fuel mileage and 99% of the off throttle decel backfire is gone. Thanks Jeffo you did a fine job.<br><br>P.S The dynojet instructions for the TPS will not be acurate, if you follow Jeffo’s instructions setting the TPS you will be spot on and that in itself will make a difference in you throttle response and how your map works.

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charles Mingus