Customer Testimonials

Robert - 2009 Kawasaki Vulcan vn2000j9f - Fort Smith , Arkansas

I have had my V2k, “Beast”, for 8 months now and I’ve installed everything possible to buy both cosmetic and mechanical. When I installed the last big ticket Intake, my bike turned into half of what it was stock, it popped, shuttered, etc. Over the last three months I have been looking to upgrade to a PC V, from my PC III USB in order to get my bike back. In my research I found Jeffo, I wrote him a message and before I could request a map he called me and confirmed everything I found out. I didn’t need a single piece of hardware, I had to have a custom map for MY bike from Jeffo!!! He sent me one in the time it took to hook up my laptop and when I downloaded it, “verbatim” per his instructions. WOW!! I got my bike back and so much more, I rode 600 plus miles over the weekend and he called me, Monday morning and I told him that without his map the night before the ride I would have spent double the gas, backfiring everyone out, and I would have been very upset about my bike. Instead Jeffo was there to save my whole trip, and not a single problem with my bike!!! In fact, the price of his custom map, I would have spent double that in wasted fuel!!! Jeffo is the only one that actually cares and follows up, I intend to let everyone know about what he can do, and I’m going to get a Winter map, and a Drag map, there’s no need to look any further. I don’t even need a Dyno now, just Jeffo!!! Thank you kind Sir.

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charles Mingus