Customer Testimonials

Alan - 2008 Yamaha R1 - Hendersonville, North Carolina

Jeffo can work magic on your bike that you will not believe nor will you be disappointed in. I had tried multiple different maps on my 2008 R1 and just wasn’t quite satisfied. I found this website while searching for PC3 maps and submitted the info on my bike. Jeffo responded within half a day on a weekend and a Holiday which says what caliber people you are dealing with right off the bat. Once I purchased the map it was sent to me as fast or faster. After installing the map and getting all my settings right I was having trouble getting my throttle position set right. I emailed Jeffo and ask for any assistance he could give. Within an hour or less I had received an email from Jeffo asking me to call him on his cell phone which I did. He then spoke with me for 20 min or more explaining the whole system and how it works along with all the settings and how to complete them. I have never had that great of customer service anywhere I have ever bought anything from . Now after everything was installed I went for a test ride and thought I was on a different bike. The bottom end was great, med range great, top end OMG. The throttle was smooth, crisp and even. I could not believe the difference. If anyone out there is looking for the ideal map you need to look no further. All you need to do is email Jeffo and all your worries will be gone. This man knows what he is doing. Thanks Jeffo your my new best friend

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charles Mingus