Customer Testimonials

Chris - 2009 Kawasaki 650R - Concord, California

I have a 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 650 and have the Arrow slip-on exhaust installed. I've been having lots of popping and backfiring when decelerating and rolling on the throttle. I decided to purchase a Power Commander V but I still needed a custom map. After reading several forum threads I decided to give FAIC a try with Jeffo's custom PCV maps. For $50, I decided to try it out first rather than purchasing an Auto Tune or going to a dyno tuning center. After speaking with Jeffo about my bike setup and giving me all sorts of excellent tips and advice, he sent me the custom PCV map and I followed the instructions in the email. After an hour of setting up the PCV, I was out riding. Holy ****! My bike is much smoother and I can definitely feel an increase in power. When decelerating I no longer have backfires and popping from my exhaust. If you're looking for a good Power Commander map, I highly recommend giving Jeffo a call. It's well worth the $50!

"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity"
- Charles Mingus